Alphatypoglyphic Meetup

Check out Alphatypoglyphic! Playful New Perspectives on the Alphabet.

Thursday, February 5, 2015 — Santa Monica , CA…/…/

“The alphabet does a lot of heavy lifting for us every day, most of it pretty mundane. But it also has a quirky sense of play, and this is something Type Designer Rod Cavazos explores with obsessive delight.

Join us for a rare peek at some of the exotic alphabetic concepts, constructs and curiosities he and his team have tinkered up in their San Francisco design office. You’ll have a chance to participate in the quirky sense of play while contributing to the in-session Fontbake, and possibly win a digital goodie bag of typefaces and other fontalicious treats.

General Assembly in Santa Monica will be hosting Alphatypoglyphic and also be sponsoring our drinks! Please visit their site to purchase your ticket.”